Innovative and evolving capital market application architecture

Innovative and evolving capital market application architecture

Innovation step by step – implement services and modules seamless into your existing system environment and processes exactly tailored to your needs and available resources, while still staying focused on business targets and strategic goals

Financial markets are currently undergoing rapid changes, experiencing dynamics and volatility not seen in many decades. Triggered by geopolitical changes, wars, and market dislocations, financial clients’ behaviour and demand are in constant flux.

Available resources remain tight, and margin pressure is still high. Furthermore, business drivers such as the disintermediation of financial processes, the digitalisation of system and process environments, as well as financial instruments, require flexible adjustments of business and operations.

The continuous innovation of financial products and services, along with the optimisation of the capital market process chain, will be the main tools to achieve cost-revenue ratio targets. All of this is putting pressure on institutions to keep application architectures aligned with ever-changing markets and technologies.

How can businesses adapt?

In order to remain competitive, businesses must remain resilient in the face of these evolving trends. Fortunately, advancements in financial technologies have given rise to solutions that enable providers to quickly and nimbly respond to emerging market and client demands. These innovations have streamlined the time-to-market for new financial products and services, all while adhering to budgetary and resource constraints.

Modernising a capital market platform and related processes to meet essential requirements can be a complex undertaking, however. To ensure success, it is crucial that the implementation process is performed step-by-step, with a keen focus on flexibility and agility. Moreover, all related services and processes must continue to operate at the highest quality level during the implementation process.

The question is – how can digital transformation be kept in high performance for implementing required digital environments, processes and services, while also ensuring the continuous build up of required skills, culture for existing resources. It is imperative that businesses maintain focus on both tactical and strategic goals.

Several surveys have shown that most financial institutions (more than 60%) are likely to keep their mainframe environments in place to serve critical and high load applications and services. Further moving step-by-step towards cloud technology and services as well as combining that with the existing systems and process environments can ensure continuous services, enabling further growth and to be able to act agile on market and customer demand.

Financial institutions should look to optimise their solution and related processes/workflows, by utilising market proven modular standard solutions based on the latest technology (cloud, blockchain, DLT, AI etc.) – exactly as your business demands it.

A big step to success is a hybrid strategy and related environments, partly mainframe combined with cloud technology and services, which combines the best of both worlds, minimises risk and save costs at the same time.

Organisations will need find their individual tailored target architecture, application modules and services, which can be integrated seamless to existing environments and process landscape, configured exactly to their needs. High load and critical applications running on existing modernized mainframe, integrated with the new digital cloud technologies and services, will still play an important role.

Through a step by step implementation and modernisation of innovative system and process environments along with the standing core business landscape, products and service can serve financial institutions for many years to come.

Get started step by step:

DECIDE is providing a highly integrated and powerful standard solution for the entire capital investment and securities trading process with comprehensive end to end functionality.

Its open and modular architecture and structure enables firms to configure bespoke solutions tailored to the individual needs of the institution, their process landscape, and their range of products and services, while also taking a client’s specific needs into consideration.

The platform and modules can be implemented as a complete or tailored solution on customer premises (enterprise) or as a SaaS/cloud-based solution. It will enable a step-by-step transformation towards a holistic, homogenous, digital system and process environment.

pdv Financial Software likes to assist you in these challenging times with changing economic conditions, market and customer requirements.


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Unternehmensneuigkeiten, jüngste Aktivitäten und Pläne für unsere Produkte und Services

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Aus pdv financial Software wird Foconis Trading GmbH

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Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und neue Geschäftsmodelle ermöglichen

Agilität und Flexibilität möglich durch „as a Service“ – Modelle als Enabler

Innovation entsteht oft aus Bedürfnissen und Krisen. Die Entwicklung innovativer Produkte, die digitale Transformation von Middle- und Back-Office-Abläufen und die kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung und Anpassung von Systemen und Prozessen stellen Herausforderungen dar. Sie bieten aber auch Chancen für Wachstum und Fortschritt für Unternehmen heute und in Zukunft.

pdv Financial Software verstärkt das Management

Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass wir durch eine organisatorische und personenbezogene Stärkung sehr gut aufgestellt sind, um unser Unternehmen pdv Financial Software in Europa international zu positionieren und unseren Marktanteil wesentlich zu steigern.

pdv Financial Software is extending and strengthening its competitive positioning in Europe by partnering with salesXp in Austria

salesXp is a well-established, known company in the financial market in Austria and eastern Europe.

Many years of expertise and know-how in financial market environments, solutions and processes enable successful Project Mgmt of complex implementations of solutions into the existing system and process environments of financial institutions.

Innovative and evolving capital market application architecture

Innovation step by step – implement services and modules seamless into your existing system environment and processes exactly tailored to your needs and available resources, while still staying focused on business targets and strategic goals.

Financial markets are currently undergoing rapid changes, experiencing dynamics and volatility not seen in many decades. Triggered by geopolitical changes, wars, and market dislocations, financial clients’ behaviour and demand are in constant flux.

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Main Capital Partners ("Main") gibt die Übernahme der pdv Financial Software GmbH (pdv), einem deutschen Marktführer für Kapitalmarktsoftware, bekannt. Die pdv und Main geben außerdem die Übernahme von van den Berg (van den Berg GmbH und van den Berg Service AG) bekannt, einem führenden Anbieter von Zahlungsverkehrslösungen in Deutschland, der zudem in die DACH-Region und in andere europäischen Länder expandiert. Die Zusammenarbeit der beiden Unternehmen markiert einen Meilenstein beim Aufbau einer starken Gruppe im Markt für Bankensoftware. Gemeinsam mit dem Management von der pdv und van den Berg wird Main die Gruppe bei ihren Wachstumsplänen und mit einer selektiven Buy-and-Build-Strategie unterstützen.

DECIDE - Digitaler Hub - Lösung für eine flexible und agile Kapitalmarktarchitektur - Change als Chance nutzen

In diesen schnelllebigen Zeiten (COV-19, Ukrainekrieg, Inflation, Zinsen, usw.) und ein dadurch resultierender volatiler Markt als auch die Dynamik der Entwicklungen an Kapitalmärkten in Gestalt innovativer Finanzprodukte, neuer Kundensegmente, neuen Online Kanälen sowie disruptiver Technologien auf Seite der Kunden / Anbieter, erfordert es agil auf Markt und sich änderndes Kundenverhalten zu reagieren. Ebenso stellt dies hohe Anforderungen an die Anpassungsfähigkeit der Kapitalmarktprozesse der Finanzdienstleister und damit an ihre Applikationsarchitekturen. Darauf reagieren, ja besser noch auf noch kommende Veränderungen vorbereitet zu sein (agieren statt reagieren) bedarf es eines agilen Managements, flexiblen Lösungsarchitekturen sowie Strukturen mit den damit verbundenen Prozessen.